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 New cut scene in "Conan the barbarian"???

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2 posters
Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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New cut scene in "Conan the barbarian"??? Empty
PostSubject: New cut scene in "Conan the barbarian"???   New cut scene in "Conan the barbarian"??? EmptyTue 16 Jun - 1:23

I found this in a fanzine called "THE HYBORIAN REVIEW", lists some cut scenes of the movie and the first one they mention:

New cut scene in "Conan the barbarian"??? Dibujo-37

Is a wrestling fight involving Conan Kiddo and Columbu's Pict ??????? scratch Shocked
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Turanian War Officer

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New cut scene in "Conan the barbarian"??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New cut scene in "Conan the barbarian"???   New cut scene in "Conan the barbarian"??? EmptyTue 16 Jun - 4:31

Either way we're still not seeing them... 10 years after they were mentioned there... Rolling Eyes
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New cut scene in "Conan the barbarian"???
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