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 John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project

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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 114
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Registration date : 2007-01-07

John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project Empty
PostSubject: John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project   John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project EmptyTue 27 Apr - 16:10

The news on IMDb:
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project   John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project EmptyTue 27 Apr - 17:40

From a guy that went to obscurity to being cast in nearly every movie lately, Micky must've done something right,lol.

I cant picture Rourke as a Mongolian, maybe Milius is remaking John Wayne's version... foufou
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John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project   John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project EmptyMon 3 May - 14:28

It's one thing to cast the it guy in Hollywood in a bunch of stuff, but cast this guy as Genghis Kahn....give me a break for fucks sake.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project   John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project EmptyWed 5 May - 14:25

What's this smell?


Oh, yes! It's the smell of another never-produced Milius' project!
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project   John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project EmptySat 12 Jun - 16:46

I'm a big fan of Milius' work and all griping aside( but yes there is no excuses for not directing more CONAN sequels after 1 back in the 1980's rambo ), it'll be nice he'd make some good movies again.
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John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project   John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project Empty

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John Milius and Mickey Rourke: Genghis Khan project
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