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 Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris

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Pictish Scout

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Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris Empty
PostSubject: Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris   Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris EmptyTue 16 Aug - 17:12

I just happened to stumble across this scene taken from an international version of Conan the Barbarian and noticed the distinct choir in the background. Has anyone seen this before? How in the hell was this not included on the original audio version?!

This scene is so much darker and meaningful with this beautiful and haunting rendition of "Riders of Doom" lurking in the background.

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris   Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris EmptyWed 17 Aug - 2:44

Doesnt work, youtube blocking it due to country restriction or some shit.

I think it is an orchestrating Prokofiev's Battle on Ice from the USSR movie Alexander Nevsky you're referring to.

Riders of Doom was awesome.
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Rider of Doom

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Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris   Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris EmptyTue 25 Oct - 17:05

No. is an unedited version, never heard before ...
we get in some form or another.
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Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris   Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris Empty

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Conan the Barbarian clip with unreleased music by Poledouris
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