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 Conan Inspired Website

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2 posters
Cromm Cruach
Pictish Scout
Cromm Cruach

Number of posts : 24
Localisation : UK
Registration date : 2014-08-31

Conan Inspired Website Empty
PostSubject: Conan Inspired Website   Conan Inspired Website EmptyMon 8 Sep - 1:20

I'd like to share with you my Website,
I am a Blacksmith specialising in hand forged Dark Age Wargear with an element of Fantasy.
Both the website and my work are heavily influenced by Conan The Barbarian.
I'm just starting to read Robert E. Howard's books too.
In the near future I will be recreating some of the harder to find armour and weapons.

I hope you enjoy the site and that this is not out of place here-
Conan Inspired Website 10620810
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2014-02-25

Conan Inspired Website Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Inspired Website   Conan Inspired Website EmptyMon 8 Sep - 11:10

I appreciate your talent for making hand forged weapons and really your work reflects how big fan you are of that movie. So you are only into making fantasy weapons like swords or do you make fantasy based costumes like tunics or other stuff? I can see their helmets also did you make these?
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Cromm Cruach
Pictish Scout
Cromm Cruach

Number of posts : 24
Localisation : UK
Registration date : 2014-08-31

Conan Inspired Website Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Inspired Website   Conan Inspired Website EmptyMon 8 Sep - 11:15

I do leatherwork also, so the helmets and masks are my work or Conn's.
Unfortunately I don't make clothing, as I never learned tailoring or pattern making.
The swords I will be making may be oversized and Fantasy designs, but they will work, unlike all the wall hangers you can buy now, which are cheap steel. You will be able to chop things to your heart's content and they won't let you down.
Thank you for your kind words.
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PostSubject: Re: Conan Inspired Website   Conan Inspired Website Empty

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