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 Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982

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Flaming Turd
Cromulus The Destroyer
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptySat 12 Jan - 11:34

Thought these two were interesting:

Keen of the Crow
Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Keenofthecrowgi6

Thulsa Doom
Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Reverendbizarrethulsadozs5

foufou Laughing
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyTue 15 Jan - 20:52

Cool post. I had collected some music album images, long ago, in order to open a post like this someday. Now it's open, so here they are. Wink

(I must say that I personally don't like these kind of bands, "epic metal" and all that stuff, with goblin voices and simple fast drumming. For me it's absolutely boring. I prefer some other kind of styles, but not those).

Ok, I had to say that.


Illustration of Dalmazio Frau for the cd "Omaggio a Conan", from the italian record label "Yorick" - (2004)

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Ilustracindedalmaziofraxt2

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Conand03014lx1

Illustration by Kris Verwimp.

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Bykrisverwimpuz8

Kris Verwimp is a Belgian artist, who has created album covers for many metal bands.

This one is from a band called "CROM", from the album "FALLEN BEAUTY".

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Crom1zt1

And now this is a T-shirt desing he made for the band "MARDUK". If you have been in the "Historical art and symbolism" post, you will recognize it.

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Tshirtdesignformarduksa1

It's not an original design of the belgian guy, it is actually a NAZI antipartisan badge. -(notice the guy transformed the swastika).

First instituted by H. Himmler in January 1944 this award was presented to individuals primarily attached to SS and police units assigned to combating partisans in occupied countries. The silver grade badge was awarded for 50 days of antipartisan service. The obverse of this badge features entwined snakes pierced by a sword bearing the swastika. At the bottom of the wreath is a skull. There are two "cut-outs" between the snakes heads.

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Awardantipartisanbronzevw5 Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Pix1443785781se0

Interesting. scratch Anyway, it is closely related to the Milius' movie desings.

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Conanye4pr4

Another "CROM" band, but apparently not the same one than before. This album is called "Cocaine Wars" and has a familiar title design, and also familiar song titles.

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Cocainejr2

1. Riders Of Doom

2. The Gathering
3. Humiliate The Corpse
4. Crom's Beard
5. Farewell Bambata

6. Valeria

7. Burnt Fur
8. Timenough
9. Keep Running Dog Boy
10. Celebrate The Flesh

11. Discipline Of Steel

12. Wheel Of Pain

13. Life/Death
14. Steel Reserve
15. Black Locust
16. Thunder Dust
17. Twomb
18. Throne Of Blood

19. Funeral Pyre

20. Concubine
21. The Foot Of Cole Ford
22. Infidel
23. The Ursurper
24. Hidden Fortress
25. The Jeweled Crown Of Aqua Lonia
26. Soiled Shroud
27. The Cauldron

28. What Is Best

29. Eye Of The Serpent

30. Sweet Tigris

A band called "BEYOND THE EMBRACE" and the album is called "AGAINST THE ELEMENTS". Check out the song number 10 (instrumental) called "RIDDLE OF STEEL".

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 52617578rr6

Thulsa Doom's line 'Crucify him' after his strength of steel speech was sampled in a remix of the "MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE" track "J", from the album "Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy" - (1999)

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 1880fc9

The death band "VENOM" also had a song called "THE RIDDLE OF STEEL", in the album "THE WASTE LANDS" - (1992)

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Wastelands1pz2

Check out the lyrics.

Quote :
Hooded in the mists of time in distant lands of dust
Here they live and forge the steel that carves out human lust
Thulsa doom his flesh and bone control of all that's fake
Lifting head and staring eyes that guide the sinful snakes
The truth that lies within the riddle of steel
Where all our lives begin the riddle of steel
Armies of followers who are guided by his throne
Blindly walk to Thulsa's steps that foot the black kings home
On and on the warrior that stalks the beast that killed
The families of his friends and foe that fall unto his will
The truth that lies within the riddle of steel
Where all our lives begin the riddle of steel
Snakes that come together over palaces of pain
Gates of flesh that open up to let in acid rain
All the smells of blasphemy are deep within this hall
Writhing here in ecstasy awaiting Thulsa's call
Stretching out and forged in steel a blade drwn from his arm
Searching for the sacred neck to cure the world of harm
Slashing through the snakelike scales deep into the core
Splitting into bone and blood and settling the score
The truth that lies within the riddle of steel
Where all our lives begin the riddle of steel
Steel steel steel steel steel steel steel steel steel

A progressive rock band called "RIDDLE OF STEEL". - (They sound good, for my taste)-.

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 171se3

Quote :
Boys dig their name: "It's from Conan the Barbarian. This was like '97-'98-ish, I played drums in a goof-off metal band called Thulsa Doom. Thulsa Doom was James Earl Jones' character in the movie. . . . We had a song called The Riddle of Steel. Jimmy and I were playing together and were trying to come up with a name for another band, and we talked about the band, the song titles and how we had a good time. He really latched on to Riddle of Steel. I was like, 'Sure, why not?' "

Finally, the most clear Milius' movie reference is in the band "MANOWAR".

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Kingsofmetallv3

They “claim” having a LITERARY Conan influence for their lyrics and sthetic, but deny the connexion with the movies. They simply don’t mention them. Laughable when things like the “Secret of Steel” is never ever mentioned in a REH tale, not even in the comics, but it’s a basic topic in the fucking movie. I guess they use that “supposed literary influence” as marketing, but it comes as silly as the whole concept of the band. This is kiddie world dressed like mature stuff, and the costume is cheesy. Ok, I admit they have a very high level of technical skills, and are very professionals in their job. But they never worked for me and never will.

Quote :
Secret Of Steel

Atop the mountain, where the river of steel flows
Black is the forest, white was the snow.
There as children, how could children know?
One without name or number soon would show.
There stood he, on his chariot made of gold
He did reveal the trinity of secrets old.
A sceptre of iron could mercy bring.
A shield of gold, the Creator and king,
And the great sword of steel.
Sons of destiny shall wield.
Hear Wisdom's voice.
Rise, know the strength that you feel.
Hold in your heart but never reveal.
You were called by the Gods, their powers to wield.
Guard well the secret of steel.
A sceptre of iron could mercy bring.
A shield of gold, the Creator and king,
And the great sword of steel.
Sons of destiny shall wield.
Hear Wisdom's voice.
Rise, know the strength that you feel.
Hold in your heart but never reveal.
You were called by the Gods, their powers to wield.
Guard well the secret of steel.

So that’s the reason they are here. Not a single concrete reference to the Millius’ movie, but a whole “Mystic of the Steel” premise in almost every song and verse. If you don’t see the obvious then you are not a “True Unblind Warrior” and deserve to burn in the “Hell of the Oculists”.


In these covers (by Ken Kelly) they use the concept of "swords as "lightning conductors" featured in some art related to the Miliu's movie.

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Thetriumphofsteelhv5

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 3886106395b22d6c3defs2

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Conanelbarbaronovelagrasq5 Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Ffcolr64qa0vn6lq1 Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 1982ol8da5aa8yl3

Another image close to the movie.

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 87111913ck8
Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Conand03010nu2

Well, be honest: can you take this serioulsy? Shocked

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 28482391ln0

I prefer Freddie Mercury. He widely admited that was gay. Mr. Green

Last edited by Flaming Turd on Mon 12 Apr - 22:11; edited 2 times in total
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyTue 15 Jan - 20:58

I forgot that CROM one, had posted it in the French section a few weeks ago, good catch Turd.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptySun 24 Aug - 2:05

Quote :
101 Rules of Power Metal

1. Add words like triumphant, majestic and victorious to your vocabulary.
2. Wear tight black gloves whenever possible.
3. There`s no such thing as too tight clothing.
4. When in doubt write songs about Tolkien`s literary works.
5. Songs about battle, swords and flying horses rule.
6. Having a unicorn sticker on your guitar is not gay.
7. The higher the vocals the better.
8. Where a loin cloth to your photo shoot.
9. Choose a wardrobe based loosely on Paul Stanley`s for the 80s.
10. Give your fans hugs when possible.
11. Buy a Manowar shirt for every day of the week.
12. Get your hair stylized.
13. Other than Manowar tees, don`t wear shirts without collars.
14. You can substitute Blind Guardian shirts for Manowar shirts on occasion.
15. Act interested in women.
16. Always sing along to the "wwhhoooooaaaaaa"s.
17. Never sing along to the "yyaaaahhhhhh"s.
18. The two greatest activities in life are listening to Manowar and playing Dungeons & Dragons.
19. The only exception is listening to Manowar while playing Dungeons & Dragons.
20. You knew who Gandalf and Frodo were 10 years ago. The people who only discovered them 5 years ago are dorks.
21. You should always politely ask your sister before using her hair products.
22. The only exception is when she makes fun of your hair.
23. Drive to Atlanta for Prog Power at all costs. Yes, sell your Magic cards if necessary, Kamelot is worth it.
24. Don`t be ashamed when your voice cracks trying to sing as high as Timo Kotipelto and Joacim Cans.
25. Don`t pop any of your pimples; you could get blood or pus on your Manowar shirt.
26. You never need to explain why Poison ballads suck but Manowar ballads rule.
27. Tell all your friends Pink Bubbles Go Ape is a terrible album, then air guitar in your tight pants and Manowar shirt while listen to Kids of the Century in private.
28. There`s no need for originality when you have perfect innovation with Manowar, Helloween, and Blind Guardian.
29. Don`t give up hope, Kai Hansen will sing on your band`s CD someday.
30. Know the difference between Teutonic Knights and Knights Templar.
31. Any song without at least 2 guitar harmonies is crap
32. It is unacceptable to urinate on your band members unless you are a disgruntled keyboardist.
33. Manowar tees CAN be substituted with a Lost Horizon shirt....but only on the third Wednesday of every month.
34. Have dreams about being a Viking powerload metal warrior and not being able to tell the difference between the two!
35. Always make sure the wind blows through your hair when you`ve got one foot on the monitor.
36. Always make sure your hair is long and rebellious by using a quality hairspray product (Re. 21, don`t just blindly trust your sister)
37. Gargle with lemon juice to ensure vocal chords are tighter than a Thrasher Jeans.
38. Following on from Rule ..3, ensure jeans are tighter than a Thrasher jeans and made of leather with a lace-up crouch.
39. Deny you `loved` Rob Halford after he `came out`
40. Claim wearing leather, studs and peaked cap is hard and not in the least gay despite what Hardcore people (and Rob Halford) think
41. Don`t be afraid of death metal heads. Even if they`re really big and mean and threaten to strangle you with your intestines, take comfort that you could kick their asses in D&D campaigns
42. Claim that you knew all along that when you got there, there would be nothing to do and come back purposefully.
43. Repeat 41
43. To break glass, you must warble (tighten those trousers)
44. Cheese is something you eat and has nothing at all to do with the music you play or the lyrics you write.
45. Pretend you have fought in a medieval battle somewhere and are proficient in sword skills.
46. Always return your library books on time to avoid fines.
47. Curl your lip, frown excessively and fold your arms during band promo shoots
48. Show the world that you really are good at art and your old art teacher was wrong when he said you`d never amount to anything, by drawing your own album covers in colored pencil and crayon and never tell anyone about the 20 failed attempts to get the dragon`s head right.
49. If you do get fined over your library books, never cry in front of the librarian.
50. Never get a van that doesn`t break down between gigs; it will ruin your image.
51. Ensure adequate ventilation in the van after a sweaty gig, especially once the entire band have hung up their leather trousers (with the lace up crouches)
52. Remember, GENTLEMEN help each other out of their tight leather trousers (with lace up crouches) after hot sweaty gigs.
53. Do not wear the socks you had down the front of your leather pants after the show without washing them first.
54. Always pretend you are enjoying yourself and are wild and wind-swept like a white stallion running free.
55. If you are going to take your shirt off on stage, don`t forget the baby oil (an old Manowar trick)
58. Power metal is cool and prog metal is simply gay
59. Black Metal bands are simply Power Metal bands that never learned to play their instruments properly.
60. Running around a forest with a battleaxe is cool UNLESS you are wearing corpse paint, then you are just a retard.
61. You believe dragons still exist.
62. Singers- incorporate this into your warm-up routine:
Let each band member have a kick (or two) at your groin before a performance to make sure you can hit those high notes.
63. Dragons do exist, you don`t merely believe it, you know it.
64. Must have AD&D Dungeon Master`s guide read before you qualify to sing on stage.
65. Black Metal is just Manowar records played backwards.
66. If you keep practicing your high notes, Tobias Sammett will invite you to sing on his next Metal Opera.
67. Jon Schaffer would be one of us if he played solos.
68. Warrell Dane would be one of us if he hadn`t given up his falsetto.
69. You must get a girlfriend and marry her so you can credit her as `wife of the winner` in your album credits.
70. You must understand rule 69.
71. Those angry violent Death Metal folks are just afraid to get in touch with their Middle-Earth side.
72. Accentuate the "T" when you sing the word "meTal".
73. Rhyme "fire" with "desire" as many times as possible throughout your career.
74. All song reviews must use at least one of the following terms: "epic", "majestic" or "opus".
75. At all costs, avoid altercations with black metal fans. They really don`t like Hammerfall.
76: Remember that the fastest "meedly meedly" guitar work is inherently superior to all other forms of music.
77. There is nothing wrong with handcuffs
78. Always bring a crash helmet to a party, even if you come by bus
79. Turn your bike off in the bedroom, it interferes with the lovemaking.
80. 6-6-6 is the number of the beast, not six hundred and sixty six
81. Be tolerant to drunkards
82. Take your learner plates off your bike before the photo shoot
83. If you have to fix your bike in the living room, use a drip tray under the sump, and don`t put the valves down on the carpet, you`ll contaminate them.
84. Look up contaminated.
85. Track down `A Quiet Night In` LP, whose cover shows a stripped down bike in a living room with newspapers on the floor soaking up the oil and a biker flat on his back with a newspaper over his head sleeping it off, whilst his girl in leopard skin pants reads a woman?s magazine, and try and imitate it.
86. Talk about your, talk about your, talk about your wheels of steel, play it 23 times on the trot then get your electricity cut off by your neighbours who have access to your power supply, then sleep it off in the car with your girl and be woken up by twenty odd guys running over the top of your car roof with hob nail boots at 6 in the morning, get out and have a drinking competition.... but enough of me (it was over 20 years ago)
87. Everyday at least one of the cds you need to listen to is a Manowar, Blind Guardian, Labrynth, Rhapsody, Kamelot or Blind Guardian cd. No exceptions.
88 Go to a photo studio dressed and posed in Tolkien outfit and have your picture taken and place it on your band website main page.
89. Remember that there is a dragon`s lair somewhere in this galaxy.
90. write a ballad about fallen heroes from the civil war?(optional)
91. Remember! No one really thinks you`re gay....
92. Frilly shirts, especially with laces, are entirely permissible. Laced frilly shirts with the colors of various fresh fruit or soap are essential.
93. If in doubt, do a guitar solo
94. The only thing that matters is the number of notes you can widdle per second
95. Make sure you know the slight difference about your band and every other power metal band... even if no one else can see it.
96. When doing a dual guitar solo, never be the first to finish
97. The rest of the band are only there to support your wonderful guitar soloing and it is their only wish to see you play it endlessly.
98. Having a Conan the Barbarian sword enhances your image as a power metal band.
99. Always remember that no matter where you use the word ??Rainbows??, it never sounds gay in Power Metal.
100. Never scratch your arse in the shower and bite your finger nails
101. Keep on widdling.



Last edited by Flaming Turd on Sun 29 Mar - 4:30; edited 2 times in total
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptySun 24 Aug - 14:56

Manowar had a good song called " Hand of Doom", which I like a lot. I liked some of their music, select songs, not all their work.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptySat 13 Sep - 4:37

About Manowar, just not my cup of tea. Don't work for me, and I swear I tried, I listened to them often as I had some close friends who were huge fans... I used to like "Master of the Wind" to certain point because a friend used to listen to it again and again and again, so I had no option but enjoy it or killing my friend. I thought about the second one sometimes, though Mr. Green

I enjoy "Kiss" much more, though i'm not really a fan of them.

Quote :
Italian metal band DOMINE's song "The Aquilonia Suite Pt. 1" from their "Emperor of the Black Runes" album is based on the story told in the movie version of "Conan the Barbarian". The song is primarily an original composition, but parts of the film score are woven into the song as well. Since the song is titled part 1, the band presumably plans to continue the Conan story on a later album.

[I. Under the everlasting sky]

Far, far away a long, long time ago
From the dawn of time, a king shall rise

[II. The riders of Tulsha doom]

Black, on the snowy horizon
hundreds of stallions are riding
Sun beams breaking trough
the clouds are shining
on the swords of their riders
They bear a standard of the blackest steel
with two snakes facing each other
The symbol of a new born religion,
rising to crush all the others

Riding like the cold winter wind
Killing and wading through gore
Their mission, by the name of their lord
is the search for the purest steel
Spilling sacred life's blood
and quenching a power mad
thirst for the mightiest
of might, They ride!

The riders of Tulsha doom

Ave domine! Ave domine!

[III. The Cimmerian oath]

By barbarian strengh and Cimmerian pride
Aquilona's crown shall one day be mine

No survivor has stood in their way
but aboy with hate in his eyes
This boy will grow stronger
and stronger each day
to be ready to fight
A man who someday will be a great king
by his own hand and will for revenge
To crush the riders who brought the snakes
on that day when snow became red

He'll be riding like the cold winter wind
Killing and wading through gore
His destiny, by the name of himself
is to bear a jeweled crown
Spilling evil life's blood
and quenching the thirst for revenge
he's feeling inside, He rides!


[IV. A prophecy in blood]

The conqueror, the barbarian
who one day shall be king
In lakes of blood his enemies are drowning

[V. The riders of Tulsha doom - Reprise]

He'll be riding like the cold winter wind
Killing and wading through gore
His destiny, by the name of himself
is to bear a jeweled crown
Spilling evil life's blood
and quenching the thirst for revenge
he's feeling inside, He rides!


[VI. Victory in sight]


The character in the cover looks like Moorcock's ELRIC, though

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Zzzzzzzzzzz

The song:

Live version:

Not my cup of tea, either. Lol, they even play Poledouris' notes. Ok, I think it's funny in some way. Shouldn't be taken seriously. I just hate all that "Destiny" and "Promised kingdom" topics, extremely old fashioned tales imo. The character of Conan was not into that dream of glory, least in the final movie version.

Last edited by Flaming Turd on Thu 12 Mar - 11:43; edited 1 time in total
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyTue 16 Sep - 14:27

So have you listen to the song I posted? Mr. Green

I admit it's well done, these kind of bands have great technical stills though the style of vocals gives me headache Mad Though I don't really see the relating of metal music with Conan -never understood the connection scratch and "Kull" soundtrack was just awful...

Maybe just because it was the time, the 80's, and heavy metal stars and Conan they both had long hair and bad ass attitude?¿? scratch
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyTue 9 Dec - 1:26

Orphans of Doom (guitar):

Theology/civilization (rock band):

COOL Theology/civilization (shamisen):

Theology/civilization (electric guitar):

Theology/civilization (guitar):

Anvil of Crom (synth piano):

This one is cool, live music from the score of the Conan videogame:

Last edited by Flaming Turd on Thu 12 Mar - 11:41; edited 1 time in total
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyTue 23 Dec - 22:05

More Metal related to barbarian films -Beastmaster 2-:

I wanna be a hero: Razz

Last edited by Flaming Turd on Tue 17 Mar - 5:28; edited 1 time in total
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptySun 28 Dec - 6:24


Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Zz

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Zzz

Check out this shit, from a band called "Austrian Death Machine". It's an album called "Total Brutal", and it's totally dedicated to Ahnuld. Mr. Green The singer even imitates him, and introduces some mongoloid themes like "Get to the choppa" or "If it bleeds, we can kill it".

They play pretty well. Also the video of "get to the choppa" is cool. Still, it's only a joke. Razz
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptySun 28 Dec - 11:25

Excellent finds, although all this stuff only reminds me how much I miss Basil Poledouris. When I read the movie scripts I play Basil music. :doom:
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptySun 28 Dec - 18:19

You know, when I used to read Savage Sword comics -I was like 12 or so- one day I tried to read one while listening to Poledouris in a walkman, from a recorded cassette. Rolling Eyes First time I realized how great the soundtrack was, I was watching this Boris Vallejo cover

and the "Anvil of Crom" started to sound, with it's drums and so. I was like Shocked
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyMon 29 Dec - 23:22

yeah, I also play Basil while reading my old lancer's . study Mr. Green
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyMon 26 Jan - 9:02

Another thingy, the band called "HORN OF DAGOTH" with the mega hit "TREE OF WOE" Razz

Amazing lyrics. shifty

Last edited by Flaming Turd on Tue 19 May - 1:32; edited 2 times in total
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Number of posts : 1217
Age : 54
Localisation : Loire Atlantique
Registration date : 2005-09-12

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyMon 26 Jan - 12:12

Sorry guys couldn't resist posting this one :

Embarassed sorry
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyMon 26 Jan - 15:19

laughed my ass. Laughing Master of muppetz! Mr. Green Yeahhhh!
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptySun 22 Feb - 15:21

LUVENES - Riddle of Steel

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 11475

Quote :
Riddle Of Steel LYRICS

Intently I watch
The sacred fire on my
Weather beaten face
I feel it's glow
My hand gives steel
The shape of the sword
That will turn my son
into a hero
Scops will praise him in
their legends
Bards will praise him in their songs
Eagles will wield it
To high skies
The day has come for
My son to learn
The riddle of steel
The day when his fate is done
When the heritage is
Given to him

I swear by all our gods and by their
Holy laws that I shall obey the
Discipline of steel whose
Secret i've learnt from you your words
Will make me strong should weakness
Or doubt arise I turn my eyes
To the overwhelming majesty
Of the snowy peaks stabbing gloomy
Clouds my fathers sword in my hand

The blood sears in my veins
By my heritage by my legacy to you my father
I swear to guard the secret of steel that
Fills warrior's heart with might
Oh father that called me to this
World should this be your will
I'll obey
This proves how worthy I am
Oh my ancestors glory and fame
Thunder behind me glory ahead
Nothing can drag me away from the gods' path
Shown by my father for I am the man
Whose heart is the heart of steel
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Pictish Scout

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Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyWed 25 Feb - 21:13

Check out the German group Corvus Corax, a recent discovery for me...but founded in 1989. They play Medieval music, but beginning in '96 or so they went on a more "heavy metal as played on Medieval instruments" trip. They sound exactly like something that would've been on the Milius Conan film's soundtrack -- and they look like it, too!

My favorite album of theirs (so far) is Venus Vina Musica, from 2006.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyThu 12 Mar - 0:42

Another metal band called MAJESTY.

Apparently is another MANOWAR clone, and use the same "steel discipline" and worship taken directly from the Milius' movie -there is no "steel mystic" in any REH book not even in the comics, it's the movie the main source-.

2002 - The cover is a painting by KEN KELLY titled "Barbarians", originally used for a book I think. Though the "king in the mountain" pose is very common in the genre, this one looks fairly close to the Casaro poster to me. scratch

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 3273674544_8a8defc9e0_o

2003 - I am unsure if the artist here is Ken Kelly again. But the standart in the background looks familiar...

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 3272855989_79219491e0_o

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 ConA4_11

2004 - This cover was the last one with barbarians, not sure if it has any CTB movie reference but the sword wich has a ricasso like the Atlantean...

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Majesty_2004

Last edited by Flaming Turd on Thu 25 Feb - 16:01; edited 2 times in total
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Turanian War Officer

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Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyThu 12 Mar - 4:19

Well he is spilling the soup, per say...
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
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Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyThu 12 Mar - 11:39

True Laughing
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyTue 17 Mar - 5:25

Discoverings from the french forum:

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Dibujo-17


Truly the guy looked like an 80's metal-head Mr. Green

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 ConanA321

Then this CROM band released another CD -the band which recorded this "Cocaine Wars" previous one, not that other CROM one of the funeral pyre which is a different one:

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Cocainejr2

This is the new CD

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Crom_hotsumeriancoverandinside

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Cromcover-usversion

Also check out the band's caricature, the guy at right is a pitfighter

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Hotsumerianknights

I wonder if they could really be buried because of this scratch

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 IMG_1827-1
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyTue 31 Mar - 11:45

You need to watch this video. Believeme Laughing

KREATOR - Hordes Of Chaos

Quote :
Violent chaos haunting me
Mirror of countless human tragedies
Times of horror, constant lies
Totalitarians autocracy's demise
Fake peace a necrologue for the elite
Brutality among the weak
While children die for Armageddon victory's breed
This necrologue for the elite
Like raging beasts among the sheep
While flags are waving everywhere
They scream

Hordes of chaos
Hordes of chaos
Everyone against everyone - chaos
Hordes of chaos
Hordes of chaos
Everyone against everyone - chaos

Brutal riots left and right
Out to destroy, willing to die
Honour killing in blood is she'd
A cruel reality in empires built in sand
Dark war, more gruesome then ever before
Supports this decadence galore
A tyrants feast on shoulders
Of the poorest of the poor
The necrologue for the elite
The rise of the heartless bourgoise
While flags are waving
Everywhere they scream

Hordes of chaos
Hordes of chaos
Everyone against everyone - chaos
Hordes of chaos
Hordes of chaos
Everyone against everyone - chaos

Not sure but I think the song is about chaos. study

Cover of the album:

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Cover_kreator-hordes_of_chaos_lp

Screenshots of the video:

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Kreator109b

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Kreator109a

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Kreator109e

Last edited by Flaming Turd on Tue 20 Oct - 10:35; edited 3 times in total
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyTue 31 Mar - 15:06

I've never been a fan of heavy metal. Seeing all these bands makes me wonder if Conan is a heavy metal mindset. I almost feel like there is a mindless brute stereotype that is being reinforced over and over with the selective use of Conan material.

There seems to be a type of people who latch on to one aspect or another and reinterpret the whole thing to support this minor aspect of the genre. The violence, the furry panties, the muscles, the atlantean, ect... I see a theme taken almost out of context and then drummed up to be the public view of either the film, the character, or the genre.

I'm not bashing this thread or any of the bands per say. It's just an observation this morning that makes me sad... tristme

There are a few people who think Conan=violence, Conan=furry underwear, Conan=muscles, or Conan=mindless barbarian. It's been reinforced over and over through the years in part by these bands, and there is just the casual glance that other make that locks in these thoughts. I blame CTD really.

Too bad we won't see a change anytime soon. The new Conan will play to the mob, so i am sure it will lock these stereotypes in for good.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982   Metal bands inspired by CONAN 1982 EmptyTue 31 Mar - 16:09

AOster wrote:
I blame CTD really.

Me too.

I dunno if that would really be the origin of that sthereotype, but in any case, that movie consolidated that image forever... The character in CTD is the kind of Conan that anyone who doesn't really know Conan has... Conan = Retarded Pscyho... Some kind of Leatherface...

In the better cases, Conan is remembered by the nickname of "The Destroyer", that is, some kind of killing machine -not with the idiot and dumb adjetives- but as simply a prehistoric Terminator...

But ultimately, not everybody is able to see the good things in the movie of Milius... Maybe blinded by the crude violence, maybe blinded by any other reasons, they weren't able to see (or feel) the deepness of the movie and the character, and because of the long silences and the brutality of the prehistoric era portrayed, they came out believing Conan was a mongoloid...

You know, a lot of people doesn't really think for themselves, also, a lot of people aren't able to see just because they judge things by previous rigid prejudgements... Take the example of the Prehistoric Man, a very old prejudge exists, which created a sthereotype, about ancient primitive men being dumb and violent, almost retarded, almost able of eat their own feces while hitting their own children to death with a club.

When really this is a huge misconception, a big great lie, which i've seen repeated over and over in the portray of primitive people in serious documentaries and thousand of movies...

It is very probable that happened the same with Conan -(wich is no less than a little bit more advanced prehistoric man, not from the stone age but from the earl iron age)-.

In the particular case of the metal related to barbarians, dude, I never truly could see the connection... I remember when I was a teenager and used to read and collect Conan comics, and man, every single fan I met was a metalhead... I just felt so out of place sometimes, I used to writte to the mail of the comics asking the reason for this connection, but they never gave me any answer, guess they didn't know... Plus the mail itself was so full of guys writting things like "Manowar Forever" and stuff like that, scratch , lol... I just'd didn't get it, really... These guys asked for -literally- MORE VIOLENCE and GUTS and an even more macho attitude in Conan... I just though, "how could it be it is already not enough for them"????????

What I really wanted was more good scripts like in the good times, because at that time, marvel's Conan comics were cancelled and in Spain some comic editors were thinking about publishing the Conan comics by themselves... Which never truly happened... As it was Italy which continued doing them, not too good, by the way...

There are a lot of comic books which fans of heavy metal love and worship... Most of them doesn't even have what one would call a true script, lol, but on the other side those have huge amount of gore and extremely dark imagery... Some of them are DEATH DEALER by Image,

some SIMON BISLEY stuff -(which is usually excellent)

those VEROTIK comics written by GLENN DANZIG (singer of the bands MISFITS, SAMHAIN and DANZIG)

those old KISS PSYCHO CIRCUS comics

etc etc... Those are pages and pages of posing characters, normally there's nothing more there, but metalhead T-shirts illustrations printed in little frames.

I believe it's possible the metal was rerlated to Conan mostly because of the album covers. It was so common during the 80's, to see Conan-like barbarians in the covers of metal albums... Also, the fact of the long hair and leather clothes made a bridge there... And ultimately, Conan and the S&S heroes symbolize freedom and no rules, which is something close to rock'n'roll attitude... If you wanna know what exactly is the phylosophy of these kind of bands, simply check out ANY Manowar lyrics, they are repeating their vision of life again and again and again and again and... Mr. Green

Now, I do like some metal music, some other I don't. And I don't specially like all this "viking-metal" and "barbarian metal" and so... It's just a matter of taste, nothing against anybody... I can live with this people, no problem at all.

But dude, can you believe it, once as a teenagar I tried to work in some "Conan" related fanzines driven by die-hard Manowar fans, who used to say -all the fucking time- things like IF YOU ARE NOT LIKE US, THAT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE WEAK... and ONLY THE METAL FANS ARE WORTHY TO LIVE, DEATH TO ALL THE REST... and ridiculous stuff like that aaaaall the fucking time... I was like ALLRIGHT, SURE, THEN STAY HERE AND RULE IN YOUR IMAGINARY KINGDOM DUDES, I'M OUTA HERE RIGHT NOW Laughing
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