I'm not a fan of The Rings, either, Cromulus. And I really don't understand the massive success of it. They don't provoque a single thought, there's no real excitement, as you allways know the heroes are practically immortals who can kill 10.000 enemies by their own -without getting dirty, wtf where's the orcs blood- and if they find some too tough enemy, well then the wizard throws a couple of rays and fries the monster.
And, it's a world WITH NO SEX. Sometimes you can even think those races are produced by clonation or something.
High Fantasy? Whatever. That world is not realistic for me, doesn't matter how many races, strange city names and boring legendary background it has.
And the characters motivations are allways so silly... Who cares about heroes, characters with real human motivations like hunger for power, desire of vengeance, lust, rage, frustration, fear, insticn of survival, all those "low instincs" that the Tolkien characters would never feel, create much more interesting stories.
Fuck honor and pride and all that boring shit. A human being could feel motivation in honor and the need of "doing the right thing" in some concrete moments in his/her life BUT it can't be the only and single motivation. It's silly.
And the basic problem is this childish and irritating "GOOD vs EVIL" thing. Bad guys are simply not interesting. So, good guys just play their opposite, which turns to be as uninteresting as everything is.
Gollum? Fuck, they say "it's the most deep character here". Sure. A turd with a hat would be a much more deep one in a planet of only one dimenional characters. Gollum is not developed, he has, instead of ONE dimension, TWO dimensions, and sometimes he wants one thing, but other times he doubts and don'd do it. Wooow, yeah, best character ever... What a complexity.
All those people who say Lotr are the best books ever, should make a list of the other books they have read. It won't be too long -or it could be long, but I'm sure it will be very monothemathic.
The thing that I hate the most about Lotr -and any kind of fantasy that shares this- it's the total absence of SENSE OF HUMOR.
No, i'm not talking about a bunch of silly jokes in the plot, like in "The Destroyer". I'm talking about not taking the storie too serioulsy. About laughing about the sillyness that implies those stories. Because they need to be taken seriously, like Millius did in CTB, but they also need to relax that solemn and aristocratic tone, which makes it all unreal.
Think about Conan and Valeria drunken like shit in the tavern. De Laurentiis said to Millius: "You can't show that!!!". Silly old man, those details made the characters real, flesh and bone, and made the solemn and epic parts of the storie work. You need balance, and contrasts.
Oh, fuck it.
The youtube video is very interesting.