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 CONAN movie stills

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Turanian War Officer

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CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyWed 27 Aug - 6:54

Get them here :

and there :

Thanks to Jérôme from the devildead forum for the heads up! Wink
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyWed 27 Aug - 19:32

for some reason u can only view the links once, otherwise have to log in? scratch

Some nice pictures though, thanks!
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 28 Aug - 0:15

Wow, thanks Einar, these are great!

I like the b&w one with Milius and Arnold in chairs. The expressions, I think they are enjoying the work they are doing. rabbit

Also, now that I can see this one in giant size... This dude is not Thulsa Doom as I believed...

CONAN movie stills 94823017122497lokh3

Doom had a cape, so who is this dude who tries to kill the chick? scratch So Doom gave orders to the soldiers to kill the princess?

That would be a nice "deleted scene" not listed in the conancompletist page, guys. Wink Do you know something about it?
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 28 Aug - 0:15

Cromulus The Destroyer wrote:
for some reason u can only view the links once, otherwise have to log in? scratch

Looks like you must login, yep
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 28 Aug - 1:14

Flaming Turd wrote:
Doom had a cape, so who is this dude who tries to kill the chick? scratch So Doom gave orders to the soldiers to kill the princess?

That would be a nice "deleted scene" not listed in the conancompletist page, guys. Wink Do you know something about it?

I believe that was discussed before. Alotve the camera angles we see in the movie are poor, using either a mix of 2nd and 3rd unit shots, sometimes we see the same thing happening twice or a different camera unit retake,lol. So that Axe-warrior couldve been the one killed by Subotai, but the angle/take was alternate or different.

Some of Doom's men dont seem to die either in the released print, which leads us to believe they just abandoned Doom. :doom:
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 28 Aug - 2:43

Cromulus The Destroyer wrote:

Some of Doom's men dont seem to die either in the released print, which leads us to believe they just abandoned Doom. :doom:

Their asses were severely kicked. Guess they just lost their faith Mr. Green
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 28 Aug - 2:55

Doom shouldve went with Neanderthal brutes instead of hairy outve shape leather masked BDSM men with a few bodybuilders thrown in the mix.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 28 Aug - 3:22

He should have sent the thousand hippies armed with serpent daggers in kamikaze style, all high on hyborean lsd. Conan is tough and they were hippies but 2 men against one hundred high zombies is a lost battle for sure. Mr. Green
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
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Registration date : 2007-05-20

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 28 Aug - 7:23

I don't know about that.... :D Miyamoto Musashi wrote, "If you can kill one man, you can kill 5. If you can kill 5, then you can kill 10; if 10 then 100..." or something close to that. There come a point that one gets overrun, but i think that philosophy works in one on one Japoanese style of fighting.
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Pit Fighter

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CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 28 Aug - 9:01

Shocked Thank you very much! a lot of new pictures I have never seen! Thank you again! thumleft
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 28 Aug - 19:25

AOster wrote:
I don't know about that.... :D Miyamoto Musashi wrote, "If you can kill one man, you can kill 5. If you can kill 5, then you can kill 10; if 10 then 100..." or something close to that. There come a point that one gets overrun, but i think that philosophy works in one on one Japoanese style of fighting.

Well, I also have that phylosophy drinking alcohol... If I could take 5 drinks, then I can take 10; if 10 then 100...

Let me tell you it doesn't work for me Laughing
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Rider of Doom

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CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyFri 29 Aug - 10:47

Hey! I have never seen these pictures before. Amazing!
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2009-02-12

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: movie stills/pictures   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 12 Feb - 2:14

Just joined the group. Looking for a picture or movie still from the opening sceen when a warrior jumps on a rock. He looks like a wolf and he sniffs the air and then Doom and the other come riding up. Looking for the warrior on the rock.

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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 46
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 12 Feb - 5:16

Welcome to the forum! Be sure to check out the website that is the core of why we are here. If you go here:

You should find some pic's you're looking for!

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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2009-02-12

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptyThu 19 Feb - 1:23

AOster wrote:
Welcome to the forum! Be sure to check out the website that is the core of why we are here. If you go here:

You should find some pic's you're looking for!


Hey thanks that is exactly what I was looking for.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptySun 8 Mar - 17:17

Today I found this one, I think it's rare, least I never saw it before

CONAN movie stills 53ArnoldSchwarzenegger
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptySun 8 Mar - 18:05

I think I seen the large one with Grace there together. He looked good there, but I didnt like his build in that movie though.
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptySat 7 Jan - 21:49

Do you have A large photo of this still?CONAN movie stills 858379-1
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptySat 7 Jan - 21:55

CONAN movie stills Conan_the_barbarian_1982_1024x768_550252-thumb
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptySat 7 Jan - 21:57

CONAN movie stills Conan
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptySat 7 Jan - 21:59

Find a better image of above photo here
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptySat 7 Jan - 22:01

CONAN movie stills C1
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptySat 7 Jan - 22:05

Photos of Conan 1 and 2 plus Red Sonja here
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptySat 7 Jan - 22:24

CONAN movie stills L_82198_78f46d88
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

CONAN movie stills Empty
PostSubject: Re: CONAN movie stills   CONAN movie stills EmptySat 7 Jan - 22:34

This Photo has been cropped it is missing the fighters shoes. CONAN movie stills PitA02
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