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 Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword

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4 posters
Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Empty
PostSubject: Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword   Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword EmptySun 31 Aug - 21:28

Does he still carry pictures of this sword he made for Albion back in 2003?

I cant seem to find it now on his website, it seems missing in action. But he had one for limited sale or a one of a kind, based on some early concept art for the Atlantean sword combined with artistic license or something or another--- it looked more Dragon/Serpentine like from what I remember of it.
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Rider of Doom

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Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword   Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword EmptyMon 1 Sep - 0:09

Cromulus The Destroyer wrote:
Does he still carry pictures of this sword he made for Albion back in 2003?

I cant seem to find it now on his website, it seems missing in action. But he had one for limited sale or a one of a kind, based on some early concept art for the Atlantean sword combined with artistic license or something or another--- it looked more Dragon/Serpentine like from what I remember of it.
If I'm thinking of the same one you are, then these are the only photos that I have of it (& I don't have any idea where I got the pix either:

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Conceptsampson002oh8
Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Conceptsampson001gd8

I couldn't say whether or not he still has the photos on his site though...
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword   Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword EmptyMon 1 Sep - 0:31

Yes, thats the very one. I tried searching on his site, but didnt see it, less I missed it by accident. Thanks Nexus!
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 7
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Registration date : 2009-03-28

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Empty
PostSubject: some other pics I had   Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword EmptySat 28 Mar - 3:37

Here's some other Pics I saved back when

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Atlantis

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Atlantis2

Sadly he passed away recently..
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 7
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-03-28

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword   Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword EmptySat 28 Mar - 3:43

He also did a variation of the "Fathers Sword"

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Crom1

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Cromhilt1

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword CromP2-8a

I wich I'd got one of these when they were available...
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword   Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword EmptySat 28 Mar - 3:52

These are beautifuly made, but there's a lack of true meaning in the symbols, like the original concepts of Cobb had. Each symbol told a concrete story back there, the volcanoes, the tidal waves, the skull, the elk and the runes... all these were characteristic and symbolic of the culture they came from, as Milius explained in that interview

Still as modified versions of the original concepts, are beautiful and refreshing, and the fact that Samson himself made them give them high interest, and no doubt the quality of the weapons itselves is also high.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 7
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-03-28

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword   Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword EmptySat 28 Mar - 4:05

The above two swords were done because they couldn't get a license at the time for the cobb designed originals. These were also a lot lighter, the Conan originals are quite heavy (I have an Atlantean 95, it's a beast).

Jody's style was a bit different, if you do a way-back machine of you will see quite a bit of his original works, alot of curved blades, different skull motifs, etc, that I'd love to post pics of, but they aren't appropriate for this thread's topic, and it's probably best I don't post a bunch of thier pics without permission.

I do own a jody original, icebrand, it is very nice..
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword   Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword EmptySat 28 Mar - 5:21

I do think those pics you mention would really be appropiate, since the man was so related to the Milius' movie Wink
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword   Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword EmptySat 28 Mar - 18:52

"The Sword of Atlantis' I believe was based ona Cobb's prototype Atlantean drawing from what little I remember(if I remember correctly as its been years and he deleted alotve stuff it seems). He did milk the CONAN sword designs dry though, but the alternates I think were still wonderful-- but out've my league in terms of money. Better off buyin a handgun or rifle or saving for a car/SUV,lol.

There was a guy that had many CONAN related images I met on Ebay back in 2003/04, he had a custom Samson-made CONAN inspired lance/axe/sword thingy..was very nice wish I saved images. For a while the guy was nice enough to create a temp site to show the collection he had and gave me a few rare KING CONAN images which I shared with this board. To bad the guy fell outve contact before this board was fully up and running.
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Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword   Jody Samson Concept Atlantean Sword Empty

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