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 Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead !

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Turanian War Officer

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Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Empty
PostSubject: Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead !   Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! EmptyMon 17 Nov - 16:15

I know this is 2 months old news, but still someone had to post it here :

and these are new pics, right ?

Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Conanrednails

Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Conan21

I don't remember seeing them on the official site.... scratch
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Pit Fighter

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Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead !   Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! EmptyTue 18 Nov - 20:13

Well, the movie may not be dead...yet. But these guys have put out so many different projected release dates that they have absolutely no credibility in my book. In addition, it appears they want to tie their fortunes with the "upcoming live movie"...

That only adds more uncertainty.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead !   Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! EmptyTue 18 Nov - 22:55

Looks like a dud or straight to DVD to me.

*Moreover when did Conan battle armies of Heavy Metal movie inspired zombies? shifty Rolling Eyes
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 572
Registration date : 2005-02-12

Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead !   Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! EmptyWed 19 Nov - 14:49

You know what ? Right now, direct-to-DVd or not, I have more faith in this animated movie than in the live-action one. Millennium has got the rights of Conan since more than one year now - they got them during summer of 2007 if I'm not mistaken - and what's the result ? No script in their hands, no lead actor signed, no director contracted (forget about the Rat, he won't do it). As far as I'm concerned, the live-action Conan is still stuck into development hell and all they do is keep and keep delaying it and promising the good stuff to the fans and we all know they won't deliver. On the other hand, Red Nails has an official website and blog, a script and a director, we have seen production designs, etc... No matter what, this project is breathing.

Another thing is, I think the one big mistake they will do, no doubt about it, is to do an origin story with the live-action movie. I'm tired of origin stories. I'm tired of seeing scenes of the hero's village attacked and burnt to ashes and his whole family murdered in fornt of his eyes . How many time did we see that scene in movies ? Enough of that ! I don't want to see a young Conan, I don't want to see how he became Conan, how he became so strong and the expert swordsman he is, Milius did that, and did it right, that's fine with me but enough of that now.

What we need is a stand-alone Conan story, with Conan already being Conan, and not about to become Conan, or in the process of becoming Conan.... Origin stories are always boring. Always paving the way for a better darker whatever second episode, etc... Same problem with the new Red Sonja movie, base on the script review that leaked, it's an origin story, paving the way yaddiyadiya... I don't think people want to see a young boy becoming Conan, or a young girl becoming Red Sonja, they want to see grown up Conan and Red Sonja doing their stuff. Really, I think it's a big problem with the powers that be, they always go the easy way and choose the origin story treatment. specially when they want to reboot a franchise, which is the case here

The right way to do a new Conan movie is to forget about the attacked village scene, and the origin story. That's what I believe !


Fuck !!! my Conan vs zombies pics are not showing anymore !!! Mad
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead !   Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! EmptyWed 19 Nov - 15:18

From 2005 already: Mad

Quote :
Is there any information you can divulge on King Conan?

Well, King Conan is pretty well on hold. Warner Brothers decided they’re going to do their own version of whatever they want to do with Conan. They’ve sort of put it in deep, deep freeze. I don’t know. You’ll have to talk to Warner Brothers and ask them what their wisdom is. They’ll probably do an animated, kid-friendly Conan.

The animation looks so-so, Conan looks like a mix of the Marvel cartoon and Ron Perlman(the voice of Conan). But the animation is certainly in that modern Disney vein. I dont know, as doubt if this show hits the theater it'll be a rated R feature.. although they'll put it out on DVD with an Extended Cut am sure at some point. They should've made it a Beowulf type GCI film for CONAN, even though I prefer a live action film obviously. We'll see of course...
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead !   Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! EmptyWed 19 Nov - 21:41

I don't know, how much "kid-friendly" this cartoon could be. Sure not as that old "Adventurer" shit, though the Disney-like designs don't promise too much, I think. Maybe it's some kind of comical and fun S&S with lots of zombies and gore and unrealistic stuff.... That would be fun maybe but not what we would expect at all, but well.
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Pit Fighter

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Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead !   Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! EmptyThu 20 Nov - 13:32

Einar wrote:
What we need is a stand-alone Conan story, with Conan already being Conan, and not about to become Conan, or in the process of becoming Conan....

So basically what you want is something like the old Italian peplum movies with Hercules or Maciste coming in on his horse at the beginning without any explanations and everybody already knowing him and that he is the hero and then him leaving on his horse at the end of the movie, is that it ? Mr. Green
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Number of posts : 1217
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Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead !   Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! EmptyThu 20 Nov - 15:15

Einardiño wrote:
So basically what you want is something like the old Italian peplum movies with Hercules or Maciste coming in on his horse at the beginning without any explanations and everybody already knowing him and that he is the hero and then him leaving on his horse at the end of the movie, is that it ? Mr. Green

Isn'it what Howard made ? Mr. Green
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead !   Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! EmptyMon 24 Nov - 11:09

Rolling Eyes That could be good, if it's nicely done.

I mostly agree about the "origin tales" and so, could only be interesting if they are seriously made, but in this kind of stories they are nothing more than a silly explanation. Yeah, a bad guy killed my dads that's why I dedicated my whole fortune, life and sanity to hunt every bad guy in the world. (Oh, plus, one day I felt in a hole and a bat scared the shit out of me, that's why i dress like a bat and wear the underwear over the pants).

... foufou

Fucking dedicate 2 movies to explain the origin of a character like Coppola did with The Godfather 1 and 2, and do only that. OR, if you are not Coppola -(and in this kind of fantasy movies usually the directors aren't) forget about the fucking origin and DON'T EXPLAIN SHIT, that gives mistery to the character.

Surprisingly enough, what Milius did really worked. It was cool to see how Conan grow up, and became who he was... But 99% of the cases the directors who do that don't do it interesting. Milius is a good storyteller, period. Now it's better when you don't know shit about the origins and only see the consecuences. Think about TEXAS CHAINSAW for example, in the first movie you don't need to know the origin of shit, nothing is explained, reason why it's so powerful. Then they started to do all these stupid TEXAS CHAINSAW: THE ORIGIN and so which simply don't work.

In a mythical character like Conan is better if there is mystery and unexplained things about him.

Finally, I wanna say I do like Ron Perlman very much, he is a really good worker. He even was the voice of Conan in the Playstation videogame, though the game didn't gave him too much chances to really "act"... maybe the cartoon would be good, after all.
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Number of posts : 1217
Age : 54
Localisation : Loire Atlantique
Registration date : 2005-09-12

Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead !   Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! EmptyMon 24 Nov - 11:27

Flaming Turd wrote:
In a mythical character like Conan is better if there is mystery and unexplained things about him.

EXACTLY ! Or maybe just a few hints so the spectator can have his own hypothesis, but not more. I believe it is why Conan is so a great character (I am talking here about the Howard stories) He just enter the stage as a whole character. Of course it can seem "too light" nowadays for modern audiences so the little hints are a good thing. But the important is that it is PULP ! You read it and have a complete other story the next month, a whole story.
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Conan: Red Nails animated movie... not dead ! Empty
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