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 CTB Movie Novels

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5 posters
Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 132
Registration date : 2009-02-07

CTB Movie Novels Empty
PostSubject: CTB Movie Novels   CTB Movie Novels EmptyThu 26 Feb - 11:29

While there has been considerable discussion regarding the contribution made by L Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter to the world of Robert E Howard's hero, there's no doubt that their novelization of the movie script holds up as a well-told Conan story.

These are just a few of the editions of the novel printed worldwide.

Hardback, Editions GP, Paris, France, 1982. Translated by J Headline and H Monrocq.
CTB Movie Novels Ctbmovienovelfrancehb

Paperback, Editions J'ai Lu, Paris, France, 1982. Translated by J Headline and H Monrocq.
CTB Movie Novels Ctbmovienovelfranceio1

Paperback, Sphere Books, London, UK, 1982.
CTB Movie Novels Ctbmovienoveluk

Paperback, Wilhelm Heyne, München, Germany, 1982. Translated by Lore Strassl.
This German version is unusual in having photo inserts, maps (by Erhard Ringer) and hand-drawn illustrations (by Klaus D Schiemann).

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Last edited by vzd963 on Wed 11 Mar - 19:27; edited 10 times in total
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

CTB Movie Novels Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTB Movie Novels   CTB Movie Novels EmptyThu 26 Feb - 19:19


Is that your own collection?

Well, the german version is excellent, and I wonder about the maps and drawings you mention, guess they are also related to the movie? A map of Conan's travels maybe? And that drawing of a warrior with a helmet besides kid Conan and mum, is that Thulsa-Doom or something? Who made the drawings? rabbit
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

CTB Movie Novels Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTB Movie Novels   CTB Movie Novels EmptySun 8 Mar - 5:13

Flaming Turd wrote:

Is that your own collection?

Well, the german version is excellent, and I wonder about the maps and drawings you mention, guess they are also related to the movie? A map of Conan's travels maybe? And that drawing of a warrior with a helmet besides kid Conan and mum, is that Thulsa-Doom or something? Who made the drawings? rabbit

CTB Movie Novels Rugrat2
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 132
Registration date : 2009-02-07

CTB Movie Novels Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTB Movie Novels   CTB Movie Novels EmptyWed 11 Mar - 18:26

Due to popular demand, I've now added photos of the illustrations and maps in the German Heyne printing of the "Conan" novel. And yeah, all the books I've shown here are mine.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2009-02-16

CTB Movie Novels Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTB Movie Novels   CTB Movie Novels EmptyTue 17 Mar - 16:35

What's the De Camp/Carter novelization like? Does it just stick very close to the film, coming off like a synopsis, or is it a good read in it's own right?
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 132
Registration date : 2009-02-07

CTB Movie Novels Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTB Movie Novels   CTB Movie Novels EmptyTue 17 Mar - 17:50

It's actually a great read - and since it was adapted from an early draft of the script, there are all sorts of incidents and bits of dialogue that are different/longer/surprising. Read it!
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Turanian War Officer

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PostSubject: Re: CTB Movie Novels   CTB Movie Novels EmptyTue 17 Mar - 18:10

Is that the one where Conan refuses the black lotus?
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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CTB Movie Novels Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTB Movie Novels   CTB Movie Novels EmptyTue 17 Mar - 19:51

These look rather like Queen Gedrens elite guards:

CTB Movie Novels Dscf7171
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

CTB Movie Novels Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTB Movie Novels   CTB Movie Novels EmptyMon 23 Mar - 15:22

Thank you very much! Very interesting! thumleft kiss
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