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 The movie "The Skulls" and Conan connection

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

The movie "The Skulls" and Conan connection Empty
PostSubject: The movie "The Skulls" and Conan connection   The movie "The Skulls" and Conan connection EmptyThu 26 Mar - 20:02

Was watching this movie, and the boys have a mission to steal the mascot from a rival fraternity, which happens to be a double headed serpent, a Python. The building is a tower, some kinda converted bell tower or some shit -- and its surrounded by water..its very Middle Ages like, as you need a bridge to get to the front door, but the kids jump over the water(The Vikings?LOL). The motiffs are double-headed serpents, which look like Thulsa Doom's logo, especially on the door which they break into to gain acces to the building and later reach thetop of the tower via ladder, and then have to scale the roof and fall into a pool of water to escape.

This recalls RE HOWARD and CONAN THE BARBARIAN movie.
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The movie "The Skulls" and Conan connection
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