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 More pics of Momoa as Conan

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Flaming Turd
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Pictish Scout

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More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptySat 15 May - 21:24

He bulked up but, still he just dosent have the look of power that Arnold had because along with having massive muscle mass Arnold has a natrual look of strengh in his face. He looks more fitting as a Tarzan then Conan
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

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More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptySun 16 May - 19:56

The last pic with the jumping Conan is really very good.

I am not really seduced by the rest it, to be honest. But I suspect girls will really, really love this new Conan movie and a new age of girl Conan-fans will arise.

To be a Conan fan, indeed, will become a pink girl thing. No more macho-related.

We are doomed. Laughing

I really mean it.
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Pictish Scout

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Registration date : 2010-04-30

More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptySun 16 May - 22:09

I hear you dude....I hope it atleast has the down to earth raw feeling like that of Braveheart or Gladiator and not a 300 style rip off
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptyMon 17 May - 14:09

Rastan wrote:
I hear you dude....I hope it atleast has the down to earth raw feeling like that of Braveheart or Gladiator and not a 300 style rip off

Oh, that would be worthy but a "Braveheart" tone would mean a mature-oriented production and this one is oriented to teens (and pre-teens). Therefore, forget about rough violence and be sure it's gonna have a very very stylized video-game style fights with lots of circus jumps and blood drawing lines in the air on slow-motion. No true sex either, but some chicks showing boobs while posing in a sort of fashion mag cover pose. This is MTV Conan.

"Braveheart" had its flaws but surely was honest with violence. It's the reason why Gibson has been so critiziced and insulted as a filmaker. Same as Milius. -- For this new Conan movie producers don't want a conflictive director, they want to be sure it's going to work in a standard, generic burgueous level. They don't want to take any kind of risks with their money.

...wich IMO is a bad choice. Making a truly conflictive movie, full of truly crude violence and mature sex would make teens love the movie. The more parents hate a film, the more teens create a cult out of it. Remember the "Mortal Kombat" videogames... (Example: the movies based on Mortal Kombat were really very very lighted, reason why these weren't too succesful. If they had had as dark and crude as the game, surely they would have becomed cult-films).

Problem is, cult-films don't get money from the ticket office... And NuMillenium wants money from the ticket office. That means: not taking risks.
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Turanian War Officer

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More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptyTue 18 May - 5:16

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2010-04-30

More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptyTue 18 May - 18:30

I totaly hear you dude, I look at this and think this will just be like the t.v. show Spatacus blood and sand think what a crapfest that was. It had potential because of the greatness of the true story, but wound up becoming a hands down rip off of 300, along with trying to break the worlds record of how many times you can say cock in a t.v. show.

If it would have had the same seriousness that HBOs Rome had in regards to portrayal (although flawed) it would have been awsome.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptyTue 18 May - 22:47

Rastan wrote:

If it would have had the same seriousness that HBOs Rome had in regards to portrayal (although flawed) it would have been awsome.


But facts seem to point to another ugly direction. "Rome" had a huge background of artists, researchers and writters supporting the ambientation, artistic design and character developmenent. It was a choral work where the pre-production process was as important and serious as the final edition. -- Another example was "Conan the Barbarian": about 4 years of development, research and designing. Very specific ideas about how to create the world, each culture, each site. And also a really good conception of how the main character's psyche was.

This new Conan movie? ... Shit One year of developement where the only thing that we are being told is all about the casting. Like that was the only work they have done. -- Script is awful. Plus they lie to audiences and take them for retards saying they are going to be faithful to Robert. They are already insulting the audiences even before having finished the film. And not a single word about the hyborean age, about the ambientation, the artist designs, the conception of the world... -- Photos seem to confirm it: generic and cheap. It could perfectly be a Xena episode, or a Spartacus episode, or anything.
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More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptyThu 15 Jul - 17:33

He does look more like Tarzan, especially in the picture of him with bow and arrow. For my taste he looks too much like a male model to be taken seriously as a warrior like Conan. I've always pictured Conan as ruggedly handsome with a slightly sinsiter cast and scars all over his face, not a pretty boy like Mamosa.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptyWed 21 Jul - 12:21

More pics of Momoa as Conan Af658a89481248

More pics of Momoa as Conan 25f20989481259

More pics of Momoa as Conan D59eb489481235

More pics of Momoa as Conan Cec42f89481251

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Pictish Scout

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More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptyFri 23 Jul - 23:56

Arnold will always be Conan in my mind.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2010-07-22

More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptySat 7 Aug - 7:55

Muskox wrote:
Arnold will always be Conan in my mind.
Agreed! I only wish that Schwarzenegger and Milius had made the trilogy. Milius had great ideas for what he would have created.
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Rider of Doom

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More pics of Momoa as Conan Empty
PostSubject: Re: More pics of Momoa as Conan   More pics of Momoa as Conan EmptySat 7 Aug - 16:14

IF I see this film, it will be a NetFlix rental or something. I'll be viewing it as just another 'sword & sorcery' film; cuz it's NOT a "Conan" movie.

From all outward appearances, this is just another new hollywood, would-be heartthrob with mousse in his hair, playing tough-guy.

Rolling Eyes
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