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 Pics of new Conan figure from NECA

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3 posters
Pictish Scout

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Pics of new Conan figure from NECA Empty
PostSubject: Pics of new Conan figure from NECA   Pics of new Conan figure from NECA EmptyTue 19 Feb - 0:18

Only one figure so far, but it looks awesome !

Last edited by MightyMcT on Wed 20 Feb - 11:30; edited 2 times in total
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

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Pics of new Conan figure from NECA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pics of new Conan figure from NECA   Pics of new Conan figure from NECA EmptyTue 19 Feb - 1:14

Thanks for the link. It doesnt look bad, but they need real action figures, not glorified statues, which was McFarlane's line. If thats the case, then you might as well buy the vinyl model kits.

I assume though its one of their resin statues, rather action figure proper.
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King Sven
King Sven

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Pics of new Conan figure from NECA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pics of new Conan figure from NECA   Pics of new Conan figure from NECA EmptyTue 19 Feb - 10:40

Extra ! Shocked Yeahhhh! bounz

I really prefer resin statues, action figures are just good for kids ! Mr. Green More expensive though... ^^

Thanks VoreLord Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Pics of new Conan figure from NECA   Pics of new Conan figure from NECA Empty

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