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 Conan Movie Swords

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Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptyThu 2 Sep - 21:09

Hi Everyone,
Great website,I've been looking around here for the past week,great info.
(Will stop by again to talk Conan soon)
Help please?!?!

I am looking for two replica Swords from:
"Conan the Barbarian" movie.

Conan Father's sword
Conan's Atlantean sword.

I would like the cheaper 'Made in China' versions.Think they come with wall plaques.
(For display only,as i'm a fan of the film,always loved it & recently watched again)
Do any of you guys know where to get them in the UK ?
Do you know of any place in the UK who stock & sell them at all?

Are these replica swords now banned?
I remember them being on ebay a while ago...
However i cannot seem to find them for sale anywhere in the UK.
Would i be able to buy these from USA or China legally?
...Or would they get stopped at customs?

Thank you for your time,
I'd appreciate any help!
...I'll Be Back !!!

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CROM !!!

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptyTue 7 Sep - 1:06

Hmmm...thanks for all your help & the warm welcome !!!
What are you guys...Barbarians ?!?!?!!!

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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 129
Age : 55
Localisation : Off-world Colonies (FL)
Registration date : 2007-05-11

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptyTue 7 Sep - 16:28

With the draconian laws on the books regarding weapons in the UK, it will probably be more difficult for you to find the swords than it would be for someone in the US.

HOWEVER, I searched for "Conan Sword" in e-Bay UK just now & came up with THIS. (<--click)

So they CAN be had, you'll just have to do some diligent searching.

AND, if you want to come here & have people treat you like a member of the community, why not create an account (it's free, after all) instead of logging in as a guest all the time? I'm not saying, I'm just saying. Thorgrim

Good luck with your search. thumleft
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CROM !!!

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptyTue 7 Sep - 19:28

Thank you very much for that.
I would love that sword...but a the price is a bit too high for me.
Wonder if that sword is a quality Marto or a 'Made in China' with the plaque...still Looks very good to me.

I think they have come down tough in the past year or so due to a few cases over here where Nutters have got out their Samurai Swords & attacked their neighbours in disputes,robberies,etc...
I remember they used to be easily avaliable over here too on ebay,
...& i was always planning on getting them eventually,but bad timing for me!
The amount of times i've searched for them...ARGHHH!!!

I would have joined properly already-however i know this sounds stupid...
But i just couldn't think up an original username & don't want to remain a CROM,
If somebody already else has that username or something similar.
I bet just about all the main Conan movie characters names are taken.
I'll get thinking again.

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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 129
Age : 55
Localisation : Off-world Colonies (FL)
Registration date : 2007-05-11

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptyTue 7 Sep - 19:38

CROM !!! wrote:
I would love that sword...but a the price is a bit too high for me.
Wonder if that sword is a quality Marto or a 'Made in China' with the plaque...still Looks very good to me.
That's definitely NOT a Marto. It's a Chinese knock-off. It's the exact same one I used for my 'Broken Master Sword'. (<--click, scroll down)

I think the unusually high price you're seeing is the result of the legal crackdown that's occurring.
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CROM !!!

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptyTue 7 Sep - 22:17

That is most impressive !!!
I hadn't saw that until now...i love to see pics & stuff like this.
Nice Work !!!

Yes,the father's sword is the one that stuck in my head the most...
Had a big impression on me back then.

The Sword on ebay eventually went for just over £120 !!!
...Screw that.
Resent having to cough up that kinda money for something which is £25 to the rest of the world.
Wonder if i would be able to buy one from China & still have it actually get into the country...without any aggro?
I know that the Marto ones are top quality,but a cheapo 'Made in China' display one would do for me.
What a pain in the a$$.

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CROM !!!

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptyTue 7 Sep - 23:53

I contacted the seller of that Conan Father's Sword on ebay & i said:

I'm looking for one of these swords but am having trouble finding one in the UK.
Do you mind telling me where you got this Conan Sword from & when you bought it?
I think they are banning them in the UK nowdays or something...
But it would be great if you let me know where to go?
Thanks for your time,
Seller replied:
"I had to import it from the USA and the postage costs alone was $380 US dollars, which is about £220 UK I think.
I have Conans Atlantean Sword from Conan the Destroyer in a fur sheath like the movie, but I wouldnt sell it for any less than £500.
I replied:
Thanks for getting back to me & for the extra info,I wish i had had that kind of budget.
I'd love them both-but so hard to find in this country...
Hmmm...shipping sounds high right?
I wonder if Seller knows they had a cheapo 'Made In China' knock-off ???
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CROM !!!

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptySat 11 Sep - 13:01

Finally found the Conan father's sword in the UK !!!
(& not a bad price for over here either...)
Will be buying mine very soon !!!

Yeahhhh! bounz disco thumleft

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CROM !!!
Pictish Scout
CROM !!!

Number of posts : 20
Localisation : UK
Registration date : 2010-09-16

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptyFri 17 Sep - 3:37

Got my Conan Father's sword on Thursday !!!
(...& also my Neca Conan figures arrived same day too !!!)
Very happy with them,almost like having a birthday !!!

I opted for the cheaper 'made in china' version of this sword not a Marto sadly,
But the detail on Sword is great & the likeness to Arnie on figure is Spot On.
Good value for money in my opinion.
Will post pics soon even though you've seen it all before,no doubt !!!
I like to see the pics myself as well.

By the way...
For your information & anyone in the UK who is desperately looking for this Sword,
I got mine from:

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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptySun 11 Aug - 3:42

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Pit Fighter

Number of posts : 85
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Registration date : 2012-03-11

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptyThu 15 Aug - 17:58

Hi Crom and welcome to the forum I have three custom made Conan swords. One Father's sword i imported from Australia and a father's and Atlantean for the usa. All are real usable swords and were not cheap to have made or to import due to our out of date laws. I have just seen your post or i would have replied earlier. you can find all the wallhanger conan sword in this uk shop plus they have the Windlass steelcrafts Atlantean which has a usable carbon steel blade.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2014-02-25

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptyThu 3 Apr - 7:22

Hi ...

I can provide you with the two most prominent swords from "Canon the Barbarian":-

1.The Atlantean Sword:- An exact replica from the movie "Canon the Barbarian". This sword is also known as bastard sword because it was used by a king who was actually buried in his tomb. This swords has always been a heroic sword which canon found in a cave and used throughout the movie.

Conan Movie Swords 1816_2_

2. The Father’s Sword:- The sword which was made by Conan's father in the beginning of the film.

Conan Movie Swords 1817_2_
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nerd alert
nerd alert

Number of posts : 1587
Registration date : 2010-03-07

Conan Movie Swords Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords EmptyMon 23 Jan - 0:08 Conan Movie Swords 16110423_1219887594760750_8296897309925441536_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQzMDYwMDY0MDQ1MTQ0NzY4MQ%3D%3D
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PostSubject: Re: Conan Movie Swords   Conan Movie Swords Empty

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