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 Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer

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3 posters

Number of posts : 14916
Registration date : 2004-09-10

Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer Empty
PostSubject: Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer   Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer EmptyThu 5 May - 18:01

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CROM !!!
Pictish Scout
CROM !!!

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Registration date : 2010-09-16

Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer   Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer EmptyThu 5 May - 21:25

Looks like this will be a CGI version of 'Spartacus:Blood & Sand'...but not as good.
Maybe it will be a little better than the recent 'Clash of the titans' remake,
the actor 'Stephen Lang' seems to be in a lot of blockbuster popcorn 3-D films lately.
Pity that it seems to have lost all the 80's manly action of Arnie in the original & only 'CONAN'
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
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Registration date : 2007-01-22

Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer   Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer EmptyFri 27 May - 14:24

Am expecting him to be saying, "Loved by women, feared by men--- hey dude surf's up" and then getting hit over the head with a surfboard. The trailers are a combo of Clash of the Titans and 300.
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Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer   Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer Empty

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Conan the Barbarian 3D (2011) Trailer
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