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 HE-MAN trivia

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Flaming Turd
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyThu 8 Nov - 16:01

Probably why Dan doesnt want to sign up, he's afraid someone will trace his IP..or maybe he's a sock account? Mr. Green Wink
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HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Jessica Biel as Teela   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyThu 8 Nov - 17:02

I just had a thought. For the new HE-MAN movie, how about Jessica Biel as Teela???
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyThu 8 Nov - 17:49

There's already 3 worthless pages for this Topic on He-Man and Conan, everything that could be covered has been by now. Maybe you should go to, if your that excited over He-Man... or maybe to a Jessica Biel fan club on Laughing
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HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: I'm useful   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyThu 8 Nov - 22:11

I think Joel Silver and Navid McIhargey, the producers of the new HE-MAN feature-film would find a person like myself, useful. I have ideas. I cannot think who would make the perfect He-Man. Does anyone have any ideas?
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HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Frank Langella as King Randor   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyThu 8 Nov - 22:15

I always thought it would had been good if Frank Langella was King Randor. Frank was great as Skeletor, he is a good actor and i do respect him for his performance as Skeletor. I always imagined Vernon Wells as Skeletor.
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 572
Registration date : 2005-02-12

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyThu 8 Nov - 22:16

Dan, go tell your ideas over there :

and please don't flood this board with messages unrelated to Conan, OK ?

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HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: ZARDOZ   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyThu 8 Nov - 22:30

I've noticed two references of the 1974 Sean Connery film ZARDOZ in HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE

1) Zed wears Red pants.

2) Strato's voice is very much like Sean Connery.
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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 129
Age : 55
Localisation : Off-world Colonies (FL)
Registration date : 2007-05-11

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 9 Nov - 0:28

This HAS to be a joke.
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 9 Nov - 2:32

I think I can beat out Dan in observations...

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Hemanmp9

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Aff03

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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyMon 26 Nov - 21:33

Einar wrote:
More important than the script or synopsis or any outline or treatment, Mattel surely had access to lots of preproduction drawings and paintings and designs, from Cobb/Stout et al... study

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Conand07097ia7

Now I wonder, what the date of this drawing could be?

The belt and the wrist piece of the prototype couldn't be inspired by the same ones that Schwarzenegger wears as it was made before the movie could be watched by any of the designers. But this producion drawing could have been avaiable for them... So... scratch

Those are the earliest prototypes that I could find in the web:

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Hemanprotoal7

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Hemanproto2uu6

I also finded this another one, which is claimed to be the first He-Man prototype ever. Notice the "armour" is not even created, and he has a helmet that could be close to the Casaro's poster.

But I guess the Casaro's poster was not painted yet -this prototype had to be made in early 1981-.

Maybe it was inspired by Frazetta paintings. And maybe it could one of the 3 prototypes that were made -(a gijoe he-man, a futuristic one, and a barbarian one)-. Maybe this could be the third?

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Firsthemansculpt1ai8

Ok, the important thing would be to discover if the production drawing for Conan could have been really the inspiration for the final He-Man chest armour.

Let's try to be objective. Wink

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Hemanyb3

Anyway, we must remember that the creator of He-Man denies the project of creating a CTB toyline, so if we believe him, the Conan production drawing would have never been avaiable for Mattel and it's only a coincidence.
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HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: She-Ra   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyThu 2 Oct - 3:58

Last week on Imagine Casting, i cast WWE wrestler Beth Phoniex as She-Ra in the movie version of SHE-RA.
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HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Red Sonja She-Ra   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyThu 2 Oct - 3:59

I'm beginning to think She-Ra is the Red Sonja of HE-MAN.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyThu 2 Oct - 20:28

Please Dan, tell me YOU ARE John Milius. Neutral
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyThu 2 Oct - 20:58

If i read another post about Imagine Casting in an unrelated thread I'm going to get unfriendly. it's nice that you found a new website to frequent dan, but spamming every thread here about it is just rude to those who are not interested. Maybe its just me that's annoyed though.
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HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: I'm not John Milius   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 3 Oct - 2:04

I'm not John Milius. The name's Williamson... Daniel Williamson...
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HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Dan in Real Life   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 3 Oct - 2:08

I am 24 years old and i live in New Zealand. I have Asperger Syndrome. I am a movie fanatic and i am a member of a website called Imagine Casting. I really like CONAN THE BARBARIAN. I think it is a great movie and i think it is one of Arnie's best.
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 3 Oct - 2:26

Dan wrote:
I am 24 years old and i live in New Zealand. I have Asperger Syndrome. I am a movie fanatic and i am a member of a website called Imagine Casting. I really like CONAN THE BARBARIAN. I think it is a great movie and i think it is one of Arnie's best.
HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Writer
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 3 Oct - 3:53

I and all the rest of the guys here know everything about Imagine Casting, Dan, and we want you to stop talking about that everywere because we are not interested in it.

You are interested in it. We are not. Stop writting about it, please, you are making us feel bad about you. You don't want that, for sure. Then, stop doing things we don't like, please, and so you will be welcome.

PS: lauging my ass off, Aoster
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Pit Fighter

Number of posts : 82
Registration date : 2007-11-11

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 3 Oct - 11:12

My 2 cents :

In Dan's defense, I would like to point out that, from his first day here, I think he posted only messages with sword and sorcery and fantasy content here, which is OK as far as I am concerned.

He talks about He-Man, and She-Ra, and Thundarr, or Dandarr, for what its worth, and occasionally about Conan, too, let's be fair. He doesn't talk about his mom, or his dog, or his underwear, or whatever.

Yes, he liked AVP2, but that off-topic thread was opened by Cromulus, wasn't it ?

And if he really is autistic, or has some kind of syndrome, well, at least, posting in a forum is interacting with other people, which is good for him, right ? I'm no autisim specialist, but I saw " Rainman " and what I leraned from it is that autisim is all about not interacting with other people.

So let Dan interact with us, shall we ? and those who don't want to interact with him, then don't answer him, or just don't read his messages, I don't know.


Last edited by Einardiño on Fri 3 Oct - 11:25; edited 1 time in total
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Pit Fighter

Number of posts : 82
Registration date : 2007-11-11

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 3 Oct - 11:20

One more thing, too :

There are many registered members in the French part of this forum who never ever posted any message on the board. Why someone would register to a forum and not post any message is beyond me, but that's a fact. At least Dan, who is not even a registered member, is posting messages, for good or bad, which is a necessity to get some life into a forum and not let it rot and sink into oblivion.

Nuff' said ! Ulf
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Pit Fighter

Number of posts : 82
Registration date : 2007-11-11

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 3 Oct - 11:26

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Number of posts : 1217
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Registration date : 2005-09-12

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 3 Oct - 11:55

OK on all this ! And everybody is welcome here !
Please Dan, just try to follow the few rules we have here, and let's have fun exploring this great character that Conan is and our favorite movie. Wink
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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 3 Oct - 12:55

There is some Australian amateur artist by the name of Daniel Williamson:

scratch Laughing
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Turanian War Officer

Number of posts : 258
Age : 47
Localisation : Pacific NW
Registration date : 2007-05-20

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 3 Oct - 15:17

I'm cool with Dan contributing to topics and engaging us in relevant discussions. However mass spamming another website in a dozen threads just irked me. Extremely thinly relevant posts with the sole purpose of soapboxing another website just seemed inconsiderate. I hope things will improve!
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HE-MAN trivia   HE-MAN trivia - Page 3 EmptyFri 3 Oct - 18:50

Einardiño wrote:
My 2 cents :

In Dan's defense, I would like to point out that, from his first day here, I think he posted only messages with sword and sorcery and fantasy content here, which is OK as far as I am concerned.

So let Dan interact with us, shall we ? and those who don't want to interact with him, then don't answer him, or just don't read his messages, I don't know.

Not his first day, friend, Dan is an old known visitior.

Agree in all the rest.
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