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 Conan at a new movie studio

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

Conan at a new movie studio Empty
PostSubject: Conan at a new movie studio   Conan at a new movie studio EmptySun 28 Oct - 2:59

Probably old news by now, but it would be cool if they got Stallone to play Conan... rambo Conan

Millennium Picks Up CONAN

After months of studios going back and forth over the option rights to Robert E. Howard's CONAN, the search is now over. When we last heard news of the project on June 28, New Line was in the top spot to pick up those rights. Apparently, something was lost in the shuffle between then and now because Variety is reporting that Millennium Films has acquired them and is now looking to begin production sometime next spring.

The plan from Millennium is to make a new series of films based around the mythical conquerer adapted from Robert Howard's novels.

This is the same production company behind the upcoming JOHN RAMBO installment and RIGHTEOUS KILL (a film starring Al Pacino & Robert De Niro as NYC detectives).
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