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 Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie

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Pictish Scout

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Registration date : 2017-04-29

Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie Empty
PostSubject: Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie   Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie EmptySat 29 Apr - 15:15

These were apparently done in 1978 (?), so before Dino De Laurentiis was involved, and obviously based on the Oliver Stone script.

Pics come from this book:

I'm assuming more of his CONAN designs are included in the book...
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2017-04-29

Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie   Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie EmptySat 29 Apr - 15:21

Sorry if the pics don't show up in my previous message, but as a new member on this board, I just discovered I'm not allowed to post any links or pics during 7 days! (WTF?)
So I had to shorten the pics and link URLSs by removing the http : // www . bit at the beginning...
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nerd alert
nerd alert

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Registration date : 2010-03-07

Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie   Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie EmptySat 29 Apr - 19:04

Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie Post-38683-oh-well-thank-you-very-much-ve-bTks
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2010-09-23

Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie   Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie EmptyThu 11 May - 5:09

thank you for sharing these ....I love seeing all of the art related to this movie looks like some version of the temple with the giant snake has been there from the beginning !
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singe fou
Rider of Doom
singe fou

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Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie   Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie EmptySat 10 Jun - 10:41

Unbelievable ! Why has it never been mentioned and reported before ?
Thank you Asen for this !
I hope that one of you will buy it and share the pages on Conan.
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Pictish Scout

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2017-06-19

Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie Empty
PostSubject: iii   Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie EmptyMon 19 Jun - 7:55

hello .,.. nice and interesting posts .. lets star talking
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Pit Fighter

Number of posts : 82
Registration date : 2011-08-29

Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie   Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie EmptyThu 29 Jun - 7:33

The tower and the serpent, even Yasmina, are all in Oliver Stone's 1978 CONAN script. Danforth's concept designs are likely based on that draft as he was initially involved in the project. Stop motion effects were most likely considered as there was no other way that they could have realized some of Stone's ambitious ideas at the time. These pics are priceless. Thanks for sharing.
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Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie   Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie Empty

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Old Jim Danforth designs for the CONAN movie
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