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 The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!!

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Flaming Turd
Cromulus The Destroyer
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!!   The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 EmptySat 21 Aug - 20:11

Well, this is "Conan the Playboy". Who is new in town and he's so cute all the chicks are mad about him. disco And who gets angered at some point (he's an alpha male, you know), kicks some hairy butts, and then comes back to the ladies (who have been watching him being so badass and therefore love him even more).

This is what this movie is going to be. A movie for the ladies.


They could have hired Meg Ryan to play Valeria... Mad

Where are the giant battleaxes? The head-collector warriors on war-paint? The sinister wizards who study the dead? Where are the jewelled towers? Where is the lovecraftian cosmic horror? Where's the primal fog and Mystery? Where IS THE GOOD STUFF???? And.... I seriously wonder what the purists are saying about this movie... Maybe we are having something in common, finally. Mr. Green

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Cromulus The Destroyer
Cromulus The Destroyer

Number of posts : 1395
Localisation : Brooklyn, New York
Registration date : 2007-01-22

The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!!   The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 EmptySun 22 Aug - 23:58

He may die of STD's. Wink

He looks far too pretty and I had trouble seeing he was there among the females. Least they couldve gave him some beard growth and make him look more disheveled. Arnold probably wasnt very Conan looking either though.

They should've slapped a wig on Randy Couture's head and gave him the role, I could see him as Conan.
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!!   The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 EmptyMon 23 Aug - 14:07

Cromulus The Destroyer wrote:

They should've slapped a wig on Randy Couture's head and gave him the role, I could see him as Conan.

Not a bad choice at all!

That's the kind of look I meant! This guy looks at you right into the eye, and then you KNOW he can absolutely destroy you without even trying. He doesn't need to show acrobacies with the sword or silly stuff to probe he's the shit. He just look at you, and you already know he is the shit.

The look of that man screams RESPECT ME.

The look of Momoa screams "Am I cool or what". puker
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The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!!   The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 EmptyMon 30 Aug - 21:33

okey, first of all, apolagyzes for my english, i know it's so poorly.
well today i bought a spanish magazine in wich one there's an article about the upcoming film conan. At the end of the article the wrote a little synopsis about the plot, I can't confirm if it's the right one, but the plot is very different of the one we all read of the oppenheimer script, that it sucks.
I transalate from spanish to english, so again sorry for my mistakes.

'the barbarian warrior lives a quite life too, until an old friend of his father, Khalar Zim, decides to visit to ask for his help, for find Iliara, the lost queen of aqueron. When Corin, Conan's father, refuses, Khalar decides to invade cimmeria with his aquilonian mercenaries, and in the attack, they kill Corin and much of the population.
Conan escapes, and after a life of misery, surviving as a thief, he finds a way to become a powerful warrior, and try to revenge his father's death.
In the interim Khalar Zim get catch Ilira, but one of the queen guards, tamara, escapes. As usual in this kind of movies, tamara and Conan meet, become friends and together they decide to go to the kingdom of Khalar Zim, to carry out his revenge. In Conan, entirely shoot in bulgaria, it also appears australian actress rose mcgowan as the witch with supernatural powers call marique'
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Flaming Turd
Flaming Turd

Number of posts : 4225
Registration date : 2007-08-28

The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!!   The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 EmptyMon 30 Aug - 23:15

BvTcH3r wrote:

an old friend of his father decides to visit to ask for his help....

When Conan's father refuses, Khalar decides to invade cimmeria with his aquilonian mercenaries, and in the attack, they kill Corin and much of the population.

Laughing Have friends for that.

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Rider of Doom

Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2007-05-19

The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!!   The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 18:06

The official motion movie poster:

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The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!!   The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 EmptyMon 14 Mar - 19:45

The youtube vid isn't even animated, Axerules, it's a still from the original stuff with the same background music.
Check your links before posting , at least you could have posted the official link :
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The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!!   The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!! - Page 5 Empty

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The new Conan movie are gonna be made by Swedish mates!!
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